Monday, August 17, 2009

Guiding Questions

As one of your first contributions to class this year, please write about one of the guiding questions listed below. Your comments will help the class choose one or two ideas to focus our reading, writing, and discussion this semester. In a well-worded paragraph, explain which question interests you the most and why you think it would be a good focus for the class. If you are unable to post your paragraph here, email it to Mr. Sale or, as a last resort, print it out and bring it to class. Post your response by midnight, Thursday, August 20, 2009.
  • What sustains us?
  • Can you buy your way to happiness?
  • Does age matter?
  • Is fame worth it?
  • Who defines us?
  • What is our social responsibility?
  • Are men and women equal?


  1. Is fame worth it?

    This question interests me because I can go both ways on it. Sometimes in some situations I would say yes and in others, no. I would like to use this question because of how fame does overtake the life of many people. Whether or not it is in high school or Hollywood, I think it pertains to many situations.

  2. Can you buy your way to happiness?
    J.T. Weliver

    The question “can you buy your way to happiness?” is asked all the time. I think it would be very interesting research, and find out what different people would have to say about this subject. I would also enjoy giving my opinion about the topic, also to see if the research could change my opinions. I’m sure everyone in our class has a very different opinion and would be a great discussion topic.

  3. Can you buy your way to happiness?

    This particular question I often run through my own mind quite a bit. I thought it would be very interesting because the question really challenges all of us to think. In my own opinion I believe that you can not buy your way to happiness. I also think it would be really fun to have a sort of debate over the subject.

  4. Can you buy your way to happiness?

    This question interests me because I have lots of opinions about this topic. I like to think deeply about this. Mainly I think that in most cases money can’t buy you happiness, because it can’t buy you family or friends. It can’t buy you certain things like non-material items. In some cases though it can, such as ;if you are in big need of money and you are losing your home and you can’t help your family and the people you love, you will be very happy if you come across a bit of money. If someone you love is sick and money could buy treatments or a transplant to make them feel better and to make them well. That would make me very happy if it was someone I loved and cared about, in need. I think this would be very good question to discuss because everyone is going to have different feelings about it. There are many different perspectives to take on this point.

  5. Can you buy your way to happiness?

    I like this question because i have heard it so many times but it's never been really answered. I have heard many answers just none of them really have a good reason why they believe that way. I don't even know the answer or even know how to answer the question. I like to see other people's opinion on this subject as well. I'm pretty sure that we'll have many different opinion on the subject.

    Ngoc Nguyen

  6. What is our social responsibility?

    I've thought a lot about this question in my life because in a way it kind of asks what our purpose in life is to our society. Do we live for ourselves or live to help others? I think this would be a good guiding question because it can be applied to many different situations and it's also very debatable.

  7. Can you buy your way to happiness?

    This question interests me because it actually comes across peoples minds a lot. In my opinion i think you can buy your way to happiness. I think this because people like to buy things that make them happy, so why cant you buy your way to happiness? If they could spend their money on on anything they truly want and need they probably are going to be very happy with their life. Generally people get really happy if they win a grand amout of money or they get happy when the get something they really want, so since basically everything in this world has a pricetag they can by it and it will lead them to happiness. I also like this question because it is such a good topic to discuss. People will probably have different views to this question and in it is interesting seein both sides of this question.

    Dylan Teller

  8. Can you buy your way to happiness?

    I am interested in this question because it is often debated in everyday life. I do not think it’s possible to buy your way to happiness. I think people can buy tons of things and think they are satisfied but not truly be happy. I think to be happy with your life you have to be successful and earn money and a family and then use that money to help your family. I think having money could help you be happy but you must have some other things as well, things like family and friends and someone that will be there for you when you need them. I think there is more to happiness then just a lot of cool things you bought. I am very interested in this question and would like to hear other opinions on it as well.
